Sunday, January 31, 2016

Considering Genre

In order to more effectively convey the components of my post-mortem controversy project I have to choose a genre that would allow me to do so. Therefore I have evaluated each of the following genre: video essay, podcast, standard college essay, and quick reference guide.

What Genre and WHY?

After contemplating my options I settled on the quick reference guide (QRG) for project one. I think that a QRG will best convey all of the information in a very organized manner. 
bottled_void, "stress" 01-19-08 via Flickr
Attribution 2.0 Generic 

In the production portion of this project I will use a variety of conventions. I will start with a captivating title and introduction in order to capture my audience's attention. I will also include links so that those inquiring about more information will have the opportunity to do so. It is also important to include graphics/images so that confusing information may be more easily explained in photograph since a picture is worth a thousand words. 

I am feeling a combination of wildly stressed out with a side of slightly confident. I have all of the information I need it is just the notion of putting it all together in an organized and concise manner that is stressing me out. I expect that I will run into trouble with time-management. I need to clear out enough time to properly work on this project and give it all that I've got. 

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