Tuesday, January 19, 2016

My Writing Process: The Struggles of a Procrastinator

Procrastination: The avoidance of a task that needs to be accomplished.

Ogez, Emilie "Procrastination Meter" 07/07/09 via Flickr,
Attribution-NonCommerical-NoDervis 2.0 Generic

 I am definitely guilty of procrastination, whether it be putting off returning my grandma's call or waiting until the last possible second to do my English homework. Regardless of the situation I should procrastinate less and plan more. 

What type of writer am I?
That is why it is with a heavy heart that I must admit that my writing style falls under the "Procrastinators" category.

Does my writing style reflect any other approaches?  
Not really. I occasionally plan, rarely revise, and hardly ever sequentially compose.

Am I successful?
Sometimes. My writing style is very peculiar, and at times I consider myself to be part of a new breed of procrastinators.
I find that if I am given time to revise I end up restarting. If I am given time to think then I grow to dislike my piece which leads me to restarting the night before.

             Strengths                                                                                         Weaknesses
            -ability to work                                                                                - work is sloppy and can
             well under pressure                                                                           often be unorganized
                                                                                                                    -more errors due to lack of
Should I try a different approach?
Yes! I think the best writing process would be to combine bits and pieces of all the "writing categories". I should take the good parts/strengths of the heavy revisers, planners, and sequential composers and essentially find a happy medium.

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