Monday, May 2, 2016

Peer Review for Sarah Moskowitz

In this blog post I will make a content suggestion on Sarah's standard college essay. 

In this peer review, I left a comment on Sarah's production report. I suggested that she break up her second paragraph into two separate paragraphs and to maybe include a couple of examples of why project one was so horrendous. I think that I helped Sarah just strengthen her overall argument and just finalize her work before turning in a final copy on Friday. In the Student's Guide I incorporated information from the section Use of Evidence.

I really enjoyed Sarah's humor that she included throughout her entire essay. It kept me engaged and made the tone of the essay light and breezy.

Editorial Report 15B

In this blog post I will explain the changes that I made to my conclusion in order to strengthen and tie up my essay. 

Edit & Revise 

1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?
The content changed in the re-edited version in the sense that I strengthened my concluding points. I thought that my conclusion was weak and just thrown together, therefore, I slept on it and came back and just added a couple of sentences. I think that the content is now more clear. Before it was just a jumble of ideas thrown together, but now I have smoothly connected all of my ideas.
2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?
I wouldn't say that the form changed all that much. My re-edit version is a little bit longer and my sentences now have a nice flow to them, but it isn't that noticeable. I think that form is more important in video essays and podcasts. 
Rough Cut:

This past semester has allowed me to not only improve my writing process but it also gave me the opportunity to define my writing process. The blog posts provided me with a set in stone and step-by-step description of my writing process. I was able to visually see how my project changed over the course of the month. This class also helped me improve my time management skills by forcing me to plan in advance in order to avoid drowning in countless hours of work. I was also able to create an editing and revision process by learning the specific expectations that go along with revisions. Finally, my ability to learn new technology has successfully prepared me to take whatever is thrown at me. All in all English 109H has successfully improved my writing process

Re-Edited Version:

This past semester has allowed me to not only improve my writing process but it also has given me the opportunity to define my writing process. In the past my writing process consisted of little research, sloppy production, and no absolutely no revision. However, this semester the blog posts provided me with a visual step-by-step description of a new and improved writing process. I was able to work on a variety of my writing skills, but particularly I find that I most improved categories are time management, editing and revision, and learning new technologies. I was able to improve my time management skills by forcing me to plan in advance in order to avoid drowning in countless hours of work. I was also able to create an editing and revision process by learning the specific expectations that go along with revisions. Finally, my ability to learn new technology has successfully prepared me to take whatever is thrown at me. All in all English 109H has been a whirlwind of ups and downs, but in the end I have successfully improved my writing process.

Editorial Report 15A

In this blog post I will give short snippets of my editorial process.


1. How did the content change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the content is being communicated more effectively in the re-edited version?
I altered my paragraph on procrastination to include a little bit more detail, but also allow my personality and voice to shine through. I thought that I should establish some credibility with my audience by revealing some personal information. I thought that the content is communicated more effectively by helping my audience better understand my procrastination tendencies.
2. How did the form change (even slightly - details matter!) when you re-edited it? Why do you think the form is presenting the content more effectively in the re-edited version?
The form changed in the re-edited version in the sense that my paragraph was longer due to the addition of extra details. Since my genre is a standard college essay there really isn't much change when it comes to the form.

 Rough Cut:
My time management skills were definitely put to the test this semester.I am definitely guilty of procrastination and as a result balancing the blog posts, the actual production of the project, as well as other assignments and tests was a real challenge for me. I really struggled with completing my assignments in advance since I wait to do everything until the very last possible second. I may just crave the pressure or I am just lazy, but regardless I should procrastinate less and plan more.
Re-Edited Version:
My time management skills were definitely put to the test this semester. I am definitely guilty of procrastination, however, my procrastination tendencies don’t just apply to school. I delay almost everything. From completing my homework to doing my laundry to even returning my grandmother’s call, I procrastinate way too much.  As a result balancing blog posts, the actual production of the project, as well as other assignments and tests was a real challenge for me. I may just crave the pressure or I am just lazy, but regardless I should procrastinate less and plan more.  


Open Post to Peer Reviewers

Production week flew by! I spent all of Sunday creating/producing my final essay. It is still a rough draft, but feel free to take a look!


  • Key information about your particular project that you would like anyone who peer reviews your draft to know
My draft is still pretty rough. I need to do some editing and revision still, but any help regarding grammatical errors or genre conventions would be much appreciated.

  • Major issues or weaknesses in the “Rough Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those weaknesses) 
I major weakness that I feel lies within my content. I am not sure if my content is strong enough. If I need to add anything to support or strengthen my argument please let me know. I also had trouble figuring out a title to use.

  • Major virtues or strengths in the “Rough Cut” that you’re already aware of (as well as anything you’d like to know from your editors about those strengths) 
I thought that my introduction was strong in my "rough cut". I really spent time trying to engage the reader/audience. 
Rough Cut 

Sunday, May 1, 2016

Peer Review for Eren

In this blog post I will offer a resource recommendation to Eren's production schedule. 

Resource Recommendation 

I chose to offer Eren a resource recommendation since he hasn't created the podcast yet, and the best advice that I could offer him dealt with his production schedule. I think that I helped Eren to prepare for production week by giving him some pointers on the best resources to use and some advice on the actual audio production of his podcast. I don't think that I incorporated anything from the student's guide is was more just personal experience. Overall I admired the fact that Eren wrote down scheduled time that he has set aside for this project. 

Production Report 14B

In this blog post I will include a short snippet of my essay regarding my semester in English 109H. 

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
The last genre that I haven't implemented yet is the standard college essay. Therefore, I decided to present my raw material in essay form since it only made logical sense to present my essay in written form.
2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
Out of all of the projects this production week or day went the smoothest. I was able to actually finish my essay in one sitting (granted that sitting was six hours long). The greatest success of this process week was the completion of my project. I can now just edit and revise my work and focus on my chemistry final that I have on Friday. 
Outline Item:
Body Sections:
  • Main Idea: Explanation of any changes (positive or negative) of my time management skills throughout the semester
    • Evidence- Balancing blog posts, production of project, as well as other class. Reference reflection blog posts for each of the major projects
      • Importance-Explains the struggles that I encountered with my time management skills throughout the semester. 
    • Evidence-Improvements in my time management skills throughout the semester. Explanation of how I changed after project one.
      • Importance- Proves that I changed or grew throughout the seamster by going into depth about my turning point (project 1)
Adaption of Outline Item:

My time management skills were definitely put to the test this semester.I am definitely guilty of procrastination and as a result balancing the blog posts, the actual production of the project, as well as other assignments and tests was a real challenge for me. I really struggled with completing my assignments in advance since I wait to do everything until the very last possible second. I may just crave the pressure or I am just lazy, but regardless I should procrastinate less and plan more.

Production Report 14A

I have spent the majority of this fine Sunday cooped up in a study room finishing up my English Project, therefore, below in this blog post I have a portion of my essay. 

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
The last genre that I haven't implemented yet is the standard college essay. Therefore, I decided to present my raw material in essay form. It only made logical sense to present my essay in written form.
2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
Out of all of the projects this production week or day went the smoothest. I was able to actually finish my essay in one sitting (granted that sitting was six hours long). The biggest challenge of this production week was determining the topics that I was wanted to write about. I was having a creative brain fart, and since this project is graded as 90% final project I am worried that my essay is not good enough. 
Outline Item: 
  • Creative/engaging title 
  • Brief summary or thesis:
    •  My writing process is an ever-changing skill, but this semester specifically I really honed in on my time management, editing and revision, and learning new technology skills.
Adaption of Outline Item:
As the semester comes to a close and I eagerly await lazy summer days, I must first look back on all of the positive and negative experiences that I have encountered throughout the last five months as a measly freshman in English 109H. On the very first day of class I was told that the central goal or objective of this class was to “...focus on developing your own awareness of having and maintaining a writing process that you may adapt or modify depending on the writing situation you find yourself in. So that means also becoming more aware of the various writing situations that occur in your life, be they academic, professional or personal” (Bottai Syllabus). This broad objective in combination with the required blog posts, the specific genre conventions, and the overall course expectations has helped me to develop and refine my writing process.I have learned that my writing process is an ever-changing skill that evolves and improves over time, however, this semester I was able to develop my time management skills, my editing and revision process, and my ability to learn new technology.  

Final Content Outline

In this blog post I will be providing my content outline for my last/final project in English 109H!

  • Creative/engaging title 
  • Brief summary or thesis:
    •  My writing process is an ever-changing skill, but this semester specifically I really honed in on my time management, editing and revision, and learning new technology skills.
Body Sections:
  • Main Idea: Explanation of any changes (positive or negative) of my time management skills throughout the semester
    • Evidence- Balancing blog posts, production of project, as well as other class. Reference reflection blog posts for each of the major projects
      • Importance-Explains the struggles that I encountered with my time management skills throughout the semester. 
    • Evidence-Improvements in my time management skills throughout the semester. Explanation of how I changed after project one.
      • Importance- Proves that I changed or grew throughout the seamster by going into depth about my turning point (project 1)
  • Main Idea: Explores my editing and revision process throughout the semester or the ups and downs that I experienced. 
    • Evidence- Explain previous editing and revision process (prior to this class). Reference the first blog post about my writing process.
      • Importance- Gives my audience an understanding of my writing process prior to this class.
    • Evidence- The blog posts forced me to edit and revise, but in a positive way.
      • Importance- My editing and revision process changed due to the institution of the blog posts. 
  • Main Idea: The greatest challenge of this semester:learning new technology. 
    • Evidence-Learning how to work garageband and iMovie was really frustrating. Explain the ups and downs, and what was really problematic.
      • Importance- Helps the reader/audience understand my struggles throughout the semester. 
    • Evidence- The final versions of my project were almost successful. Explain that I learned the new technology, but at the expense of my genre conventions.  
      • The central goal of this class was to prepare the students for the real world by forcing us to learn new technology. Therefore was it successful? 
  • Wrap up. Tie all of the main ideas together in an overall conclusion/reflection on the class as a whole.
Larger Significance: 

The purpose of this final project is a self-reflection on my own personal writing process. I am to explore the ups and downs of this semester while connecting everything to any positive improvements or negative changes in my writing process.