Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14A

I have spent the majority of this fine Sunday cooped up in a study room finishing up my English Project, therefore, below in this blog post I have a portion of my essay. 

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
The last genre that I haven't implemented yet is the standard college essay. Therefore, I decided to present my raw material in essay form. It only made logical sense to present my essay in written form.
2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
Out of all of the projects this production week or day went the smoothest. I was able to actually finish my essay in one sitting (granted that sitting was six hours long). The biggest challenge of this production week was determining the topics that I was wanted to write about. I was having a creative brain fart, and since this project is graded as 90% final project I am worried that my essay is not good enough. 
Outline Item: 
  • Creative/engaging title 
  • Brief summary or thesis:
    •  My writing process is an ever-changing skill, but this semester specifically I really honed in on my time management, editing and revision, and learning new technology skills.
Adaption of Outline Item:
As the semester comes to a close and I eagerly await lazy summer days, I must first look back on all of the positive and negative experiences that I have encountered throughout the last five months as a measly freshman in English 109H. On the very first day of class I was told that the central goal or objective of this class was to “...focus on developing your own awareness of having and maintaining a writing process that you may adapt or modify depending on the writing situation you find yourself in. So that means also becoming more aware of the various writing situations that occur in your life, be they academic, professional or personal” (Bottai Syllabus). This broad objective in combination with the required blog posts, the specific genre conventions, and the overall course expectations has helped me to develop and refine my writing process.I have learned that my writing process is an ever-changing skill that evolves and improves over time, however, this semester I was able to develop my time management skills, my editing and revision process, and my ability to learn new technology.  

1 comment:

  1. Hey Olivia! I think that your intro is really good. I was super interested in it and I liked the vocab that you included in the first sentence. I think that the "eagerly awaiting" line is really good and super important because it shows your true emotions towards the class and how excited you are for it to be over. I also really liked that you included a portion of Bottai's syllabus in your intro so you can see what it was that he expected and how you have met those expectations. Good job!
