Sunday, May 1, 2016

Production Report 14B

In this blog post I will include a short snippet of my essay regarding my semester in English 109H. 

1. How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
The last genre that I haven't implemented yet is the standard college essay. Therefore, I decided to present my raw material in essay form since it only made logical sense to present my essay in written form.
2. How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
Out of all of the projects this production week or day went the smoothest. I was able to actually finish my essay in one sitting (granted that sitting was six hours long). The greatest success of this process week was the completion of my project. I can now just edit and revise my work and focus on my chemistry final that I have on Friday. 
Outline Item:
Body Sections:
  • Main Idea: Explanation of any changes (positive or negative) of my time management skills throughout the semester
    • Evidence- Balancing blog posts, production of project, as well as other class. Reference reflection blog posts for each of the major projects
      • Importance-Explains the struggles that I encountered with my time management skills throughout the semester. 
    • Evidence-Improvements in my time management skills throughout the semester. Explanation of how I changed after project one.
      • Importance- Proves that I changed or grew throughout the seamster by going into depth about my turning point (project 1)
Adaption of Outline Item:

My time management skills were definitely put to the test this semester.I am definitely guilty of procrastination and as a result balancing the blog posts, the actual production of the project, as well as other assignments and tests was a real challenge for me. I really struggled with completing my assignments in advance since I wait to do everything until the very last possible second. I may just crave the pressure or I am just lazy, but regardless I should procrastinate less and plan more.

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