Sunday, May 1, 2016

Final Content Outline

In this blog post I will be providing my content outline for my last/final project in English 109H!

  • Creative/engaging title 
  • Brief summary or thesis:
    •  My writing process is an ever-changing skill, but this semester specifically I really honed in on my time management, editing and revision, and learning new technology skills.
Body Sections:
  • Main Idea: Explanation of any changes (positive or negative) of my time management skills throughout the semester
    • Evidence- Balancing blog posts, production of project, as well as other class. Reference reflection blog posts for each of the major projects
      • Importance-Explains the struggles that I encountered with my time management skills throughout the semester. 
    • Evidence-Improvements in my time management skills throughout the semester. Explanation of how I changed after project one.
      • Importance- Proves that I changed or grew throughout the seamster by going into depth about my turning point (project 1)
  • Main Idea: Explores my editing and revision process throughout the semester or the ups and downs that I experienced. 
    • Evidence- Explain previous editing and revision process (prior to this class). Reference the first blog post about my writing process.
      • Importance- Gives my audience an understanding of my writing process prior to this class.
    • Evidence- The blog posts forced me to edit and revise, but in a positive way.
      • Importance- My editing and revision process changed due to the institution of the blog posts. 
  • Main Idea: The greatest challenge of this semester:learning new technology. 
    • Evidence-Learning how to work garageband and iMovie was really frustrating. Explain the ups and downs, and what was really problematic.
      • Importance- Helps the reader/audience understand my struggles throughout the semester. 
    • Evidence- The final versions of my project were almost successful. Explain that I learned the new technology, but at the expense of my genre conventions.  
      • The central goal of this class was to prepare the students for the real world by forcing us to learn new technology. Therefore was it successful? 
  • Wrap up. Tie all of the main ideas together in an overall conclusion/reflection on the class as a whole.
Larger Significance: 

The purpose of this final project is a self-reflection on my own personal writing process. I am to explore the ups and downs of this semester while connecting everything to any positive improvements or negative changes in my writing process. 

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