Sunday, March 6, 2016

Content Outline

This blog post provides an overall content outline for my rhetorical investigation project. 

Author Response: Outline of Podcast

·      Opening Section (introduction)
o   Introduce who I am
o   Music to grab attention
o   Give catchy title of podcast to grab attention
o   Brief summary: How do professionals in the pharmaceutical field create or author texts?
·      Body Sections
o   (1) Introduction of topic through (x2) interviews (include snippets of each interview)
§  Main Idea: Explore Academic Journalsàpre-production, production, post-production of the creation process

·      Evidence: Slack “…very structured…” Proves/Importance- Creating texts within science (pharmacy)=formula. Important information pertaining to “how” professors in my field create texts.
·      Evidence: Chapman “…contains an abstract…”
Proves/Importance- A breakdown of the components of an academic journal as well as the publication process. Important to understanding production & post-production.

o   (2) Dive deeper into interview points
§  Main Idea: Methodology of constructing Academic Journals, and the drawbacks/benefits of the process.

·      Evidence: Slack describes the process as an “on the job learning experience” and that her background didn’t really prepare her. Explain why.
Proves/Importance: Identifies the learning experience of creation.
·      Evidence: Chapman describes the difficulties working with students, as well as the “citation number”
Proves/Importance: Helpful in understanding the process as a whole from start to finish, and not just the piece itself.

o   (3) Sample analysis of academic journal
§  Main Idea: To breakdown a real academic journal and to analyze the different components in regards to rhetorical strategies.

·      Evidence: Analyze each of the professor’s academic journals. Identity similarities/differences within each.
Proves/Importance: Helps to identify any relationships between the structure of each journal and the overall genre.
·      Evidence: Analyze the rhetorical strategies such as credibility, logic, and emotion.
·      Proves/Importance: Creates a better understanding of the piece as a whole by figuring out the rhetorical strategies that were used to convey the overall purpose/message.

·      Closing
o   Bring each of the body paragraphs together in a single coherent summary. Discuss the importance of understanding the writing process in the pharmaceutical field, and mention any information that I found interesting or daunting.

Larger Significance?
To explain the larger significance of the subject matter I will (1) discuss the specific implications that can be drawn from an academic journal, and (2) why the specific writing process is important/necessary to relay academic information.
Writing in any scientific field is tricky, therefore, it is important to produce the findings/observations/data in a very specific and easy to retract manner. In essence, the purpose of this project is to determine the methodology employed to produce an academic journal.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good as an evolving plan. It does seem like some things are still ambiguous here - for example, which specific conventions will you be examining in the genre examples? What specific rhetorical concepts will you focus on as you examine them?
