Monday, March 14, 2016

Reflection on Production Week

In this blog post I will be discussing the challenges and successes of the production of my project. Stay tuned for more information as to what went wrong and what went right.

What were some of the successes (or, things that went right) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence.
I would say that the main success of this week's process work would be the production of my script. In my opinion, I find that the script is essential to the success of my project. Without my script I would just be rambling on and on in my podcast. Therefore, I am glad that I was able to bust it out.
What were some of the challenges (or, things that went wrong) during this week’s process work? Explain, with evidence 
I would say that the main challenge of this week's process work would just be time management. It is the week before/of spring break and my time management was not on par. I fell behind on my project in terms of the actual production of the audio content. I was able to actually create the script no problem, however, I have had major technology issues. I would not say that I am by any means technologically savvy. In fact I am on the same level as my grandma (if not worse) when it comes to anything tech related. That being said, I have struggled with trying to create this podcast both in terms of working garageband as well as just simply uploading it to blogger. I have been so worried that my the way I uploaded my podcast isn't acceptable that I have actually had a nightmare about it but that is besides the point. In essence these past few weeks have left me very frustrated so hopefully things will look up.
How do you think next week will go, based on your experiences this week?
I think that next week will go ok. It is just the editorial week so there is no major production going on just little tweaks here and there. I also think that having the time over spring break to really contemplate the quality of what I've produced will also be helpful. It just gives me time and I love time.
How are you feeling about the project overall at this point? 
I am feeling ok about this project at this point. My main concern was the content of my project, but once that I had that figured out it was just technology that seemed to be my biggest foe. This entire project has been a learning experience for me, and I have come to realize that my frustration threshold is not very high.

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