Monday, March 14, 2016

Production Report 8b

In this blog post I have included another snippet from my overall project.

Outline Item: Body Paragraph
(3) Sample analysis of academic journal
  •  Main Idea: To breakdown a real academic journal and to analyze the different components in regards to rhetorical strategies.
  •  Evidence: Analyze each of the professor’s academic journals. Identity similarities/differences within each.
  • Proves/Importance: Helps to identify any relationships between the structure of each journal and the overall genre.
  • Evidence: Analyze the rhetorical strategies such as credibility, logic, and emotion.
  • Proves/Importance: Creates a better understanding of the piece as a whole by figuring out the rhetorical strategies that were used to convey the overall purpose/message.
Outline Adaptation:

The main genre conventions of the above-mentioned journal article are: an abstract or introduction, figures, data analysis, acknowledgments, and a supplemental information section.  This structure is fairly similar across the board.
In terms of rhetorical situations of a journal article I will be first analyzing the ways in which authors are portrayed in academic journals.
 In Dr. Chapman’s article, the author’s names are given along with a short description of their job titles. However, the bulk of the text is strictly data. There is no use of the first person nor is there any personal accounts included. In fact, the audience doesn’t even know which section each of the authors wrote.
According to Dr. Chapman this is done to ensure that the main focus of the journal is on the data/information not on the author.

How did you decide to use form to present your content in the raw material you’ve shared here? How did the conventions of your chosen genre influence your choices?
I decided that the best way to truly understand the most important part of the project (the bulk or content) would be to have the script available. The script allows the audience to directly see the content of my project. I also decided to include a snippet of the audio as well. This type of raw material goes more with the conventions of my genre.

How did the production of this raw material go? What kinds of any hiccups, challenges, successes, creative epiphanies, etc. occurred during the process?
The production of this raw material went fairly well. I was able to take my outline and bring it to life. I would say that the only challenge would again be trying to figure out how to incorporate an actual audio clip onto blogger. Through the creative process I was able to fit all the pieces together and get a general idea of how I want my overall project to look/sound like.

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