Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review for Sarah Moskowitz

In this blog post I will examine Sarah's podcast, "When I Realized How Important Writing Actually Is in The Real World". I will give her feedback regarding the form of her project and will hopefully provide insight that will help her complete her project. 

-Peer Review-

  • How effectively the “Rough Cut” uses appropriate genre conventions
The "Rough Cut" of Sarah's podcast used the appropriate genre conventions in a very effective manner. She properly introduced herself as well as the podcast's title, and also included very upbeat music in both the beginning of the podcast and at the end. She also effectively incorporated transition music in-between the information regarding the two interviewees/professors.

  • How creatively the “Rough Cut” presents the content while working within appropriate genre conventions 
Sarah's podcast is set up like a radio show. I thought that this was a creative way to present the information. It allowed for the audience to stay engaged while also being able to cohesively bring the information together. She was still able to present the information, but she was also able to incorporate the appropriate genre conventions in a more creative method. 

  • Ideas or suggestions about creative ways  genre conventions could be used in the next draft of the project 
In the next draft of the project, I think that a creative genre convention that could be used would be to add music in order to more descriptively follow the information. For example, when describing the standard form of an academic journal maybe add some writing sounds or some other creative sound just keep the audience more engaged. 

*I think that I helped Sarah to just refine her form just a little bit in order to get her podcast in a more finalized form. She adequately used the appropriate genre conventions throughout her entire piece, but I think that I helped to offer some advice on how to keep a potential audience member more engaged.

*In regards to the Student's Guide I don't think that I specifically helped with one category since they were all mainly content related, however, in regards to the genre conventions that we went over in class I think that I was able to help Sarah achieve/incorporate those conventions.

*I really admired the flow of Sarah's podcast. All of the information was really easy to follow and just had a very cohesive element to it. I really admired the way that she incorporated quotes from her interviewees. I found that I was struggling with a way to connect the information to the quote, but after listening to Sarah's podcast I think that I was able to learn how to better transition my own work.

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