Sunday, March 27, 2016

Peer Review For Nicholas Hoover

In this blog post I will make re-design recommendation for Nicholas Hoover's Quick Reference Guide, "Writing in Linguistics"

Peer Review

  • How a change to any one genre convention could improve the project
In Nicholas's project I think that he could add a a couple more images towards the end of his QRG to really make it pop. He does a great job incorporating images early on,however, towards the end it becomes very text based. I would also recommend playing around with the fonts and the background in order to make it more visually appealing.

  • How the elimination of any one genre convention could improve the project 
I wouldn't say that Nicholas needs to eliminate any of his genre conventions. If anything I would say that he needs to add more or change more of the genre conventions. 

  • How the addition of any one missing genre convention could improve the project 
I also recommend that Nicholas re-think his title. I think he should eliminate the one that he has right now and come up with a more engaging title. A QRG needs to give the dirty facts in a quick manner, but as of right now the title isn't giving me very much to work with. I also think he should incorporate quotations in order to better give his piece some credibility. The requirements of the project were to interview two professionals in our field, but based on his QRG I can't really tell if he actually fulfilled that requirement. 

*I think that I helped Nicholas to really make his project more appealing. I did a QRG for Project 1 and based on the feedback I received from that I think that I was better able to help Nicholas get the scoop on what to include and what not to include. I lost points for visual appeal. Therefore, I recommended that Nicholas add more photographs and make it more appealing.

*I didn't necessarily incorporate something from the Student's Guide, however, I based my recommendations on personal experiences as well as on the example QRGs that are linked in D2L. From my personal experience as I mentioned above I recommended that he visually fix his project, while with the projects in D2L I recommended that he re-think the title that he chose.

*I really admired the incorporation of a flow chart. I think that really helped to organize the information. I learned form Nicholas's project about the organization of the information as well as what to include. Seeing what my peers produced in terms of content gave me confidence in the work I did. I was a little wary with content, but after reading Nicholas's QRG I have gained more confidence in my own project.

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