Monday, March 14, 2016

Open Post to Peer Reviewers

In this blog post I have addressed the entire project as a whole. Take note that it is a very rough and raw draft of this project. I plan to spend major time revamping the entire thing.

Audience Question: What are you anticipating the post-production process to be like, based on what you accomplished during the production phase?
Based on the production phase, I expect the post-production phase to be mainly editorial. Meaning that most of it will be spent making tweaks and changes to the draft in order to get it to the "final" form. However based on what I accomplished during the production phase I expect this phase to be another week of frustration. The production week just went. It didn't go particularly well or horribly it just simply happened. Therefore, there is a lot of work to be done in order to get my project to perfection.
Author Response

  • I would like my peer reviewers to understand that this project is not 100% complete. I still have a lot of work to do before it is in it's final form
  • I think that a major issue or weakness of my project would be the genre conventions. I am not sure if the conventions that I used are correct. I am not entirely sure that I should have set up my podcast the way I did in terms of my introduction/closing, but I tried my best.
  • I think that the strength of my project lies in the context of it all. I think that the actual material that I am talking about is solid in the sense that I worked hard to gather this information. I spent a lot of time researching the different professors that I interviewed. 

*Please let me know if the link that I have provided does not allow you to listen to my podcast. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Olivia! So I know the project is due pretty soon but if you're still working, I have a couple comments on content that I hope will help with the finishing touches!

    The first major thing (that actually has nothing to do with content but I think it's worth pointing out) is that in the draft, it's very hard to hear you and understand what you're saying. If there's any way you can boost the track's volume (since it's probably not feasible at this point to re-record things), I think that would make all the difference in the world. It's not an explicit convention, but I'm sure that being understandable is absolutely necessary when it comes to a podcast.

    Next, I think you made a great choice of intro music! It's very happy and upbeat and made me excited to hear what you had to say (I'm also pretty partial to the ukulele but that's just me. (: ) Although, I think there's a lot you could do to make the intro a little more enticing. Your voice is very chipper and pleasant, so that's awesome, but you don't say much about why the subject of the podcast is important/interesting and has relevance. Maybe if there's any way that you can tie something like this in, just something to give the project meaning and excitement for someone who isn't in your field would make all the difference in the world.

    Also, I think each of your points is definitely a very good start and I agree that a major strength of yours is the material you're talking about! I just think a little elaboration on your points (and again, tying in something about the importance of each example) would further enhance what you're trying to say.

    I bet you have much more done on this project than is in the draft I just listened to, so I bet with the way you were going that you have a very good podcast ready for submission. These are just some thoughts that came to mind after listening to the draft and looking over the rubric. (:

    Hope you're feeling confident and had a happy Easter if you celebrate! (:
