Sunday, February 28, 2016

My Discipline

Right now the current life "plan" is to major in Public Health at the University of Arizona, and then continue onto Pharmacy School in order to become a pediatric of cardiatric pharmacologist. 

Dilmen, Nevit "Rx Symbol Border" 12-04-10 via Wikimedia Commons
 Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported


  1. What do students in your program or department learn how to do?
Students in my program or department study the actions of drugs. More specifically, they study the development of medications and toxins as well as the effects that these medications/toxins have on the human body. An aspiring pharmacologist needs to have a strong background in chemistry, pharmacology, biochemistry, and physiology
     2. What do people who get degrees in this field usually go on to do for work?
People with degrees in the field can go on and work either the community, in hospitals or in research labs. A community pharmacist supplies/dispenses medicines in accordance with a prescription, while a hospital pharmacist ensures that patients receive the best treatment by advising on the selection, dose and administration of specific drugs. A research pharmacist works in the lab to develop drugs, however, they can also be professors working for a University. 
     3. What drew you to this field?
I actually randomly stumbled upon this field. I was really looking into epidemiology as a future profession, but as I further researched epidemiology I ended up into Pharmacy. 
     4. Name three of the leaders/most exciting people involved in this field right now in 2016.
Charles Craik is on the forefront of Pharmacy. He was recently named a fellow National Academy of Inventors, and his innovative research has generated ten patents and has helped launch two companies 
Leslie Benet is this years recipient of the Remington Medal award in recognition of his numerous substantial scientific and public service contributions to the pharmacy profession. He has been on the forefront of pharmacy for many years, which has won him numerous research and teaching awards. 
Sandra Leal is not necessarily the top leader in the Pharmacy field, but she did receive the Good Government Pharmacist of the Year Award. I just thought that her story/background was relatable. She is interested in Public Health, yet works in the Pharmacy field. She has also been doing work in Tucson. 
     5. What are the names of three leading academic/scholarly journals in your field? Where are they    
          published? Give us the names and locations of at least 3.
A leading pharmaceutical journal is The American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy. The editorial office is located in Maryland, but the journal is mainly online.
The Journal of American Pharmacists Association is another leading journal. This journal is also online, and has authors that contribute from all over the States.
Pharmacology: The International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology is a global academic/scholarly journal. The journal is published by Karger Publishers, which is located in Switzerland.  

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