Sunday, February 7, 2016

The Time Period

In order to understand the story it is important to understand the time period. What in the world was going on in December 2013?

December 2013




"Wikinews Breaking News" 02-13-10 via Wikimedia Commons
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0
At the local level, the Rose Parade witnessed the first same-sex wedding on a parade float since California legalized same-sex marriage. Unfortunately, not all news was happy in December 2013. Two people were hospitalized after a highway shooting. Nationally, news about Edward Snowden's whereabouts were making headline news. After leaking information to the public, Snowden fled to Moscow, Russia. Around the same time the U.S. navy was also stirring up trouble in regards to in a scandal that nearly cost taxpayer $20 million dollars. Globally Nelson Mandela, the first President of South Africa, dies at 95 years old in Johannesburg, South Africa. Besides Mandela's death, the world was also watching the Ukrainian people become more upset with their leader. For a month with only 31 days, December 2013 had some ups and downs. However, I wouldn't say that these events had any impact on the Jahi McMath case.

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