Saturday, February 6, 2016

The Big Event

In order to understand a situation it is important to start at the beginning. In the case of Jahi McMath I need to back to the hospital where it all started.

The Beginning... 

Ooi, Phalinn "Medica/Surgical Operative Photography"
9-26-12 via Flickr Attribution 2.0 Genric
On December 9, 2015 Jahi McMath kissed her mother before undergoing a "simple surgery" at Oakland Children's Hospital in San Francisco, California. She had been suffering from sleep apnea, a sleep disorder in which breathing repeatedly starts and stops. To fix this problem a tonsillectomy was recommended in order to open up her airways to help her breath. It was a simple surgery that should've had Jahi sleeping soundly in her own bed by the next night. Unfortunately, that was not the case. At 3:04 pm Jahi was wheeled into a generic operating room that smelled strongly of antiseptic chemicals and other cleaning agents. At the same time her surgeon, Doctor Frederick Rosen, vigorously scrubbed his arms in preparation for surgery, while her mother and step-father waited anxiously in the waiting room. Once the procedure was completed Jahi was moved into the pediatric intensive care unit. At around 7:30 pm her mother was allowed to visit, but it wasn't long before complications arose. Jahi started to cough up blood before going into sudden cardiac arrest. She was then put on a ventilator. Jahi's mother, Nailah Winkfield, sat with her daughter. She listened to the sound of the ventilator forcefully pushing air in and out of Jahi's lungs. Winfield ran her hands over the rough tubes protruding from her young daughter's body, and kissed her warm cheek. Two days later Jahi McMath was officially deemed "brain-dead". 

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