Wednesday, February 24, 2016

My Interview Subjects

In this blog post I will explore my interview subjects for the rhetorical investigation project.

Interviewee #1 : Eli Chapman 

Dr. Chapman is an Assistant Professor for the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy. 
Eli Chapman

He received his bachelor degree in Chemistry from the University of California Berkeley and then continued his education at Colombia University where he received his masters degree in Chemistry. He then received his PhD in Chemistry from Scripps Research Institute in La Jolla, California.  

Dr. Chapman has been working in the science field since the early 90s. He joined the army in May of 1992, where he worked as a lab technician. 

Interview Information: 

02/26/16 @ 1pm in the Pharmacy Building Room 414

Interview Questions:

1.     Did you publish any texts while in the army? If so, how are the publications that you produced for the U.S. army different from the publications that you do at the University of Arizona?

2.     How does the University of Arizona compare/differ to the publications that you produced at Scripps Research University?

3.     How do the texts that you produce in/for the pharmaceutical field differ from your colleagues?

4.     Does working with students and fellows alter the text that you choose or end up producing? How?

5.      Does your research require a specific form/genre? (Research documents/journal entries)

6.     How has your background prepared you for writing or communicating in your field?

7.      In your opinion what is the purpose of the texts that you produce?

8.     Aside from your Research, what sort of texts do you create as a Professor?

Interviewee #2 Marion Slack

Dr. Slack is a Professor for the Department of Pharmacy Practice and Science at the University of Arizona College of Pharmacy. 
Marion Slack

She received her BS from the University of Kentucky and her MA from the University of Minnesota. She then became a fellow wildcat and received her PhD from the University of Arizona.

Dr. Slack has been working in the pharmaceutical field since 1988. However, she has been a Professor since 2007.

Interview Information:

02/26/16 @ 2pm at Drachman Hall Room B307H

Interview Questions:

1.     What kind of texts did you produce for the independent community pharmacies in Lexington, Kentucky, and Paris?

2.     What sort of texts did you produce while working in Northeast Thailand?

3.     What kind of texts did you produce for the community hospitals in Lexington, Kentucky, and Minnesota?

4.     What do you teach the students in your class on writing research proposals?

5.     Do your current research endeavors require a specific form? (i.e. journal or research document)

6.     How have publications changed over the years? Where do you see it going?

7.     How does working with college students affect your work/publications/texts?

8.     Does the community that you work in get to see the work that you publish? Who is the audience of community based work?

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