Thursday, February 18, 2016

My Pronouns

Kanert, Mike "We" 11-03-10 via Flickr
2.0 Generic
I have listed the pronouns that I used in my project. This type of organization allows me to visualize "who said what" and help to clarify any confusing pronouns.

it (life-support)
she (Jahi)
they (doctors)
these (life-support and brain death)
her (Nailah Winkfield) 
they (McMath family)
her (Jahi McMath)
she (Nailah)
her (Jahi)
her (Jahi)
this (Uniform Determination Death Act)
they (doctors)
she (Jahi)
her (Nailah)
this (Dr. Fisher’s findings)
her (Jahi)
she (Jahi)
she (Jahi)
her (Jahi)
she (Nailah) 
she (Jahi)
her (Jahi)
it (spinal reflexes)
she (Jahi)
his (Frederick Rosen)
she (Jahi)
they (the hospital)
her (Jahi)
it (responsiveness) 
it (life support)
her (Jahi)
her (Jahi)
she (Jahi)

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