Sunday, April 3, 2016

Content Outline

In this blog post I will outline the information for the public argument project. 

Project #3:

Opening Section/Introduction
o   Introduce who I am
o   Upbeat Music (grab attention)
o   Title of video (grab attention)
o   Brief summary: A very brief recap of information regarding why the captivity of orcas or killer whales is unethical, and why it has caught the public's attention. 

§  Main Idea: Explain the proposed solution made by the California Coastal Commission regarding the breeding of orcas in captivity. 

  • Evidence: An in-depth analysis of the new law. Include or reference quotes from the actual legal document.

Proves/Importance- Providing an explanation of the solution or the new law is fundamental to helping the audience understand the issue, problem, and solution. 
  • Evidence: Analyze the rhetorical strategies implemented by each of the stakeholders. The stakeholders are SeaWorld, PETA, and the public (after Blackfish). 

Proves/Importance- Understanding the rhetorical strategies that the stakeholders used helps the audience understand how the law was finally passed.

§  Main Idea: Explain the ways in which this new California law affects SeaWorld and what this means for the future of SeaWorld.

·      Evidence: The orcas that are in captivity aren't allowed to be set free, however, they will be the last generation of captive orcas.
Proves/Importance: That positive change has been made. This is more of a "where we go from here" stage.
·      Evidence: Include interviews (both expert and non-expert) regarding the new law. 
Proves/Importance: Hearing other people's opinions regarding the subject helps to build an understanding of the topic altogether. 

§  Main Idea: Explore or discuss whether or not banning the breeding of orcas is truly the 'best' solution or if there are better ones.

·      Evidence: Explain the effects that captivity has on orcas, and explain why prohibiting the breeding of orcas in captivity is the right solution.
Proves/Importance: Helps to secure faith in the solution that has been concocted.  
·      Evidence: Analyze the rhetorical strategies such as credibility, logic, and emotion.
·      Proves/Importance: Creates a better understanding of the piece as a whole by figuring out the rhetorical strategies that were used to convey the overall purpose/message.

·      Closing
o   Bring each of the body paragraphs together in a single coherent summary. Discuss the importance of understanding the writing process in the pharmaceutical field, and mention any information that I found interesting or daunting.

Larger Significance?
To explain the larger significance of the subject matter I will (1) discuss the solution that has been created, and (2) explain the reasons why it is the best solution for right now.
The issue with SeaWorld has been raging on in the media since the dawn of Blackfish, however, it wasn't until the Spring of 2016 was a solution finally created. The purpose of this project is to explain why prohibiting the breeding of orcas is the best solution right now. 

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