Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review For Avalon

In this blog post I will review Avalon's work for this upcoming project. I will hopefully offer her some advice that will help to steer her in the right direction. 

Outlining Suggestion for Avalon:

        I choose to review Avalon's outline. Specifically, I looked into the evidence/resources (sources) that were incorporated in the outline. I think that I helped Avalon create a more detailed content outline so that when she goes to produce her project her information will be more clear and organized.
       Based on the Student's Guide, I helped Avalon with her use of evidence and sources. I suggested that in terms of evidence that she include outside research or experience, while in terms of sources I suggested that she integrate some quotes.
      I really admired Avalon's specificity. Instead of just saying analyze or explain, she really went into detail about the specific information that she will be discussing. 

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