Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peer Review For Diego

In this blog post I will be peer-reviewing Diego's production schedule in order to help him create a better podcast for project 3. 

Production Schedule

      For this peer review, I decided to make a resource recommendation regarding any tips, shortcuts, and tricks that I know of for creating a podcast. Diego chose a podcast for his genre and I thought that I could offer him some advice since I made a podcast for project two. 
      I thought that I helped Diego figure out the best method to create his podcast. I told him that GarageBand is a good resource, and gave him so advice on recording. I didn't use anything specific from the Student's Guide, however, I incorporated information that we went over in class and that I have written in my notes. 
     I admired Diego's precision in his production schedule. He wrote down dates that he was going to work on, but he also wrote down the time that he has set aside for doing his work, which I thought was a great idea. 

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